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I feel like I’m becoming an Amazon Add On Item specialist because of all the time I’ve spent hunting down and finding these great deals. Amazon Add Ons are quite special to both Prime and Non-Prime shoppers as they offer an opportunity to take advantage of some great deals on Amazon.

Look, we know Prime can be a good deal for most people, but let’s not kid ourselves on the free shipping angle, the cost of shipping is padded into the price. I’ve been an Amazon seller and shopper for enough years to know this as fact. Amazon does negotiate a great shipping rate, but you’re still paying for it one way or another. Amazon Add On items are usually lightweight and can piggyback an existing order. They don’t have that shipping cost incorporated into their price, thus making them special deals.

There are two types of shoppers who want to find Amazon Add On items:

Shopper #1 needs to reach a minimum order threshold

Shopper #2 is a super-smart shopper who loves to find the lowest price

(You could also be both)

If you are shopper #1, there are some cart filler sites out there. You put in the amount you need to reach and they show you a list of items. But every single time I use these sites, I get frustrated. Lots of the items are Prime Pantry or not shipped by Amazon, so the deal doesn’t apply. I’ve also clicked on several Google search results for all kinds of top 10 lists (or whatever) of Add On items. Almost every item on every list was no longer an Add On item. Amazon sellers change their prices often or run out of stock, so these lists don’t stay relevant for long. A huge time waster for me!

If you are shopper #2, you might want to just browse the best Amazon Add On items and look for deals. I like to load Add On items into my cart to save for later. This way I have them available for future purchases. At any given time I could have 5-10 Add Ons sitting in my saved cart. It’s not easy to find this many just browsing around and Amazon doesn’t make them easy to find either. They don’t offer a check box to choose only Add Ons, but they have a check box to exclude Add Ons, frustrating!

Finally!  A solution to shop only Amazon add on items

I hunted high and low for a good solution and I found Originally (last year) when I went there, they only offered a link to shop on Amazon directly. The link brings you to some sort of search page on Amazon that gave a lot of Add Ons, but also a lot of other stuff. You could spend some time searching, but the list is not all that inclusive. It certainly is better than nothing, I still use it from time to time. But now the site has improved, yay! now has a shopping grid filled with add on items!  You can sort them by category to narrow the choices and they have my new all time favorite category Add Ons Under $2.  They claim to update the list regularly and I go there at least once a week and I’ve noticed that the items change. I wouldn’t make such a big deal out of finding this website, but I really have spent hours trying to find a solution to my problem of finding good add ons and I assume I’m not the only one.  One downside, the page initially loads slowly because of the large amount of items, but after a minute, it’s great.

The site initially loads a little slowly, so be patient.  It’s very responsive once it’s loaded. Here’s the site in action:


The next time I shop on Amazon, which will probably be within 24 hours, I have to remember not to One-Click-Buy whatever item it is, that’s important. Instead, I have to add it to the cart so that I can be shown my list of saved add on items that were so patiently waiting for me since I saved them last week.

I never tire of finding good deals, how about you?  Let me know what you think of in the comments.